Friday, April 1, 2011

EDGE OF ANARCHY- The Hunt for Skeener

What we learned during 'The Sawmill':

Aerodus- His bombs are deadly- to foes and friends alike...just ask Lugo.
Baelgren- His true colors are starting to 'bleed through'...just ask his enemies (oh wait, we can't, they've had their throats slit).
Lucien- This poor guy just can't catch a break...unless it's in the literal sense.
Lugo- He might make a pretty good thief after all...keep your eyes on your stuff.

The second morning after their infiltration of the Seven's Sawmill, Lugo and Lucien are recovering from their wounds at Leftovers- an inn in the Eastshore district. Though not the lap of luxury, the inn is likely the best fare that either has had in months. Unfortunately, their stay is cut short by a nosy squad of the Korvosan Guard. They are able to escape through a window into an alley without being seen.

The jaunt through the city proves uneventful, though both are nervous; if anyone were to recognize their faces, things might get a little hairy. Meeting up with Aerodus and Baelgren, the group contemplates their options. Finding Skeener seems to be the main priority. They visit the the Pantheon of the Many in hopes of gaining clues at the shrine of Norborger, to no avail. Despite Lugo's apprehensiveness, the next place on the list is Skeener's former residence- the townhouse in the Heights district.

The group gains entry by picking the front door lock, which Aerodus believes they had previously left unlocked. They search most of the house, starting with the upper levels. Though nothing seems amiss, the party gets the feeling that somebody has been here since their last visit. They find nothing of value, unless one counts an exotic zebra-skin rug, which they roll up and leave by the front door. Entering the main floor lounge area, Lugo is surprised by a pair of Skinsaw cultists. Luckily, he escapes injury, and the PCs spring into action. Lucien boosts the team's morale with song, as Aerodus 'bombs away', Baelgren 'blasts away', and Lucien 'swings away'. The fight is over in mere seconds.

Expecting more opposition in the cellar, Lucien and Baelgren disguise themselves as cultists, hoping to fool their enemies and gain the upper hand. The plan works perfectly, until one of the cultists climbs the stairs and sees one of his slain (and now naked) companions lying in plain view. He raises the alarm, and a second cultist appears to attack Aerodus, Baelgren, and Lucien in the cellar, while Lugo ambushes the first. Though Baelgren and Lugo sustain injuries, the group is again able to dispatch their adversaries with relative ease.

Across the 'flesh curtain', Lucien and Baelgren hear, "So you've found me once again, you are a persistent bunch...". Skeener! Lucien rushes into the next room to find the murderer escaping into the cramped tunnels that lead to the sewers. Throwing caution to the wind, Lucien enters the tunnels. Halfway through, he hears Skeener mumbling something incoherent...a spell! Lucien feels his body stiffen, he can't move. Skeener laughs and runs away. Baelgren comes barreling behind Lucien, and, unable to move past his petrified companion, he decides to shove him forward. The resulting scrapes and bumps hurt so much that Lucien is able to regain control of his limbs. They reach the sewers to see Skeener's light in the distance. With Lugo and Aerodus joining them, they give chase...

Navigating through sewers is tricky business at the best of times; doing so on the run while chasing a foe is another thing completely. Despite this, the group proves successful. Baelgren uses his magic, slamming bolt after bolt of magical energy into Skeener's backside, while Lugo uses his acrobatic skills to close the distance. Three times Lugo manages to get his hands on the cultist, but each time Skeener breaks free, leaving Lugo with handfuls of torn clothing. On the fourth attempt, Lugo will not be denied, he wrestles the priest to the ground, pinning his arms. The rest of the group converges on the downed opponent, each eager to dish out punishment. Seconds before going unconscious, Skeener squeaks, "I surrender". In an act that some would call cold-blooded murder, though others might call merciful, Baelgren draws a blade and slits Skeener's throat from ear to ear.

The hunt for Skeener ends just as it began; a bloody mess...